Transformed and Resisting Conformity or "Is it Right for You to be Angry?"

If God treats His enemies so mercifully, why are Christians so angry so much of the time?

Romans 1:30
Romans 3:11
Romans 5:10
Romans 8:7
Romans 5:10
Acts 14:17
Acts 17:24-28
Luke 12:6
Romans 12:1-2
Philippians 3:19
Philippians 3:18 

Sermon Discussion Questions:

  • In this sermon, how was God described? 

  • How should these aspects of God transform us? 

  • In what specific ways is the world seeking to mold us, according to this sermon? 

  • What can we learn from God's questions to Jonah?  


By Grace... Through Faith... Not of Works


A Confusing and Glorious Response