By Grace... Through Faith... Not of Works

What does the Bible mean by the powerful message “Not of works”… this message examines salvation as By Grace, Through Faith, and Not of Works.

Galatians 2:11 - 3:9
2 Corinthians 4:6
Romans 11:6

Romans 3:20 ESV
Romans 3:27-28 NASB
2 Timothy 1:9
Titus: 3:4-5
1 Corinthians 1:29-31
Romans 8:15

Sermon Discussion Questions:

  • What does the Bible mean when it says salvation is:

    • By Grace

    • Through Faith

    • Not of Works

  • How do some religions violate this and include Works in a wrong way?

  • How do we do this as well?

  • How do we avoid this?


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