Delay and It's Danger

Jesus lovingly prepared His people for the "delay" in His coming. He gave us directives as to how we can be always expectant, prepared and zealous.

Matthew 24:36-51
Matthew 25:1-13
Genesis 6:5
Mark 4:18-19
Luke 21:34
Romans 10:14
Romans 10:17
Colossians 3:10
Revelation 2:4-5

Sermon Discussion Questions:

  • What does Jesus teach about the "unexpected" nature of His 2nd coming?

  • What about the "delay" and it's dangers?

  • What are His "imperatives" to His followers as to how they can be prepared?

  • How can we not run out of oil?


Why Are You Here (On This Planet)?


Jesus' Pastoral Word, Part 2