What's Most Important to You?

What's most important to you? What is your purpose in life? What gives you happiness and meaning? If you achieve it all, how long will it last? Jesus told parables to help us know what to pursue. And how to be "all in" for something that will last eternally.

Matthew 19:16-30
Matthew 13:36-52
Luke 14:33
Philippians 3:7-9
2 Timothy 4:10
Matthew 6:33
Romans 8:18

Sermon Discussion Questions:

  • What are the main points of the parables of the treasure and the pearl?

  • What are the different nuances of each? What is the most important to you? What did you pursue most this week?

  • Why is the Kingdom so valuable that we are called to give up everything for it?


The Cost of Being All In


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