The Gospel of the Meantime - From Suffering to Glory

How should we spend the meantime -- the time between the present age and the age to come; between the resurrection of Christ and His second coming; between the suffering and the glory? Paul describes this as a time of eagerly waiting, patiently hoping, and praying.

Romans 8:15-27,5:1-2,8:1,8:11
Matthew 5:11
Psalm 130:5
Titus 2:13
2 Corinthians 4:17

Sermon discussion questions for parents to use with their children:

  • Why does creation groan?

  • Why are many Christian's concept of salvation too small?

  • Why do Christians groan? (3 reasons)

  • How do we explain the Spirit groaning?

  • How are we to wait?

  • How are we to live in this present age, as we wait for salvation to be completed?

  • What is the source of our hope in this age of suffering?


Mark: Lessons from a Fig Tree


Mark: Meekness and Majesty