THE Huge, Master Plan

Our world is in a sad state of hopelessness and despair as it contemplates the future.  God's plan is amazing and beautiful.  Let's live it and share it.

Ephesians 1:1-14
Romans 11:33-34
1 Corinthians 15:24-26
Psalm 2:6-8
Psalm 110:1

Sermon Discussion Questions:

  • What is the meaning of "mystery" as Paul uses the word here? 

  • What is the Huge Plan? 

  • How does this Plan answer most of life's hardest questions? 

  • Describe the great privileges we have because:

    • 1. The Plan was revealed to us?

    • 2.  The Plan was revealed in us? 

  • Why is this "all of Grace"?


The Inheritance


Servanthood: True Greatness