A Tale of Two Men

Two men deny Jesus...both show some type of remorse. One commits suicide and goes to hell...one is restored, and continues to labor as an apostle and is enjoying heaven. What is the difference? When is repentance real and not mere remorse?

Matthew 10:32-33
Mark 8:38
John 6:70-71
John 12:4-6
John 13: 27-30
Luke 22:61
Hebrews 12:16-17
Acts 1:25

Sermon Discussion Questions:

  • Who are the 2 men compared and contrasted? How are they similar? Different?

  • How were their responses to their denial of Jesus similar? Difference?

  • What is godly sorrow/repentance and how is it different from worldly sorrow/repentance?

  • How do I evaluate my self in light of these 2 men and 2 responses?


Who Is Barabbas?


Dead to sin, alive to God