The One Sign

How do you know Christianity is true? What answer would you give if someone asked you this question? Jesus was asked something similar to this and He pointed to "One Sign" overriding evidence to prove He was Messiah. We will examine that Sign and it's practical implications for our faith.

1 Corinthians 15:1-34
1 Corinthians 1:22-24
Luke 16:29-31
Acts 2:32
Acts 17:30-31

Sunday Sermon Resource: The Sign of the Prophet Jonah and its Modern Confirmations

Sermon Discussion Questions:

  • How did Jesus understand the Old Testament stories?

  • How do we know Christianity is true?

  • Why did Jesus not do a "sign" when asked by the Pharisees?

  • Do signs have the same effect on everyone?

  • What are such signs actually for?

  • What is the number One sign Jesus said He would give?

  • What are the practical implications for us by "The Sign"?




Why We Love God