A Clear Eyed Pursuit of God

Money, investments, food, clothing, anxiety, purpose, ultimate meaning: all of these are in this text.  Let us never wonder if Christianity is "relevant" again!!!

Luke 10:38-42
Matthew 6:19-34

Sermon Discussion Questions: 

  • Jesus' Kingdom is based on a "radical" faith...what are aspects of this faith?  Why would Jesus not think this was radical?  What are some of the commands Jesus gives in this passage?  Why is all of this so hard?  How did Jesus anticipate this response and what encouragements did He give us in the Sermon on the Mount?  

  • What did Jesus mean when He used the phrase (often) "this age and the age to come"?  What is this age...when will the next come?  What does the Bible mean when it says that the age to come has already "broken into" this age in a very real way?  How can we see this?  Tonight we will be looking at how the New Testament presents the structure of "Eschatology" (the study of "last things").  We will also see the very practical help and insights understanding the Scriptures in this area gives.


God As Father


God Wants Us to be "Real": Why & How