Colossians: Set Your Mind or The Transformative Power of a Renewed and Set Mind

Paul thinks that the mind is the important first step to transformation as Christian.  He calls the Colossians to "Set" their minds,  In this message we will explore what that means and how to do it.

Colossians 2:6-3:11
Romans 8:4-6
Romans 12:2
Philippians 4:8
Colossians 1:9

Sermon discussion questions:

  • What is the huge internal battle facing the Christian? 

  • What is the "Flesh" and why is it "insatiable"?

  • Why is the "mind" important in spiritual transformation?

  • How do we "set" our minds? 

  • What are the practical benefits that come when we "set our minds"?

  • What are the challenges technology causes us in all of this?


Colossians: Fighting to Win


The Accusers, The Accused, and the Light of the world