Trusting God as a Lifestyle

It is easy in our information age to make worry and anxiety our default setting... almost a lifestyle. But God calls us to make trusting Him our lifestyle. So Psalm 37 encourages trust, delight, commit, and rest. Quite a pleasant lifestyle!

Psalm 37
1 Peter 5:7
Song of Solomon 2:15
Philippians 4:6-7
Luke 12:22-23

Sermon discussion questions for parents to use with their children:

  • What are the main themes of this Psalm concerning:

    1. The upright person?

    2. The wicked?

  • What are the root meanings of trustdelightcommit, and rest in this Psalm?

  • Why should we chase out the foxes?

  • Why is trust the ultimate honor?

  • How can we make trust a lifestyle?


Colossians: Who we are & How we should live that out


Holding Salvation in His Arms