Anticipating Heaven: It's Really Quite Special!

Do you lack a positive anticipation for Heaven? This may partly be because you just don't know enough about Heaven to look forward to it. In this message we will explore Heaven as really quite special... to say the least!!

Revelation 4,5:11
Matthew 5:16,5:45,5:48-6:1,6:9,7:11,7:21,10:32-33,14:19,3:16-17,18:10,5:12,5:34
1 Peter 3:22,1:4
Luke 23:43,1:19
Hebrews 9:23-24,10:34
Acts 7:48-49

Sermon discussion topics for parents to use with their children:

  • Why are folks not sure they actually want to go to heaven?

  • What does it mean that heaven is a place, and God is there in a special way?

  • Why are the current representations of heaven often unhelpful?

  • What do we learn from the anthill and the resort?

  • How about the King's throne-room?


Anticipating Heaven: Seeing Jesus


Anticipating Heaven: Why We Should Think About Heaven