Conflicting Emotions

We had a great time with the men today. It was just so depressing after the seminar because I went with James to take the men home. Some live in "compounds". These are the poorest sections of the city. I was once again shocked at the poverty these pastors live in; small one or two room cement block unpainted subsistence living. I was noticing how much these men were eating at lunch -- easily twice what I eat -- then I realized this was their only meal for the whole day. I have had emotions all across the spectrum today: from incredible thankfulness at how I have lived my whole life (our little neighborhood is literally like an Eden compared to the dirt, garbage, dust and depressing places here), to guilt that I have even complained once, to great compassion and admiration for these men, to the amazement at their joy. These men cannot even imagine how we live. They are much less in touch with US than I realized. I tried to explain what our football is and just assumed everyone knew what American football is like... but they had never heard of it.

God has raised up some dedicated and wonderful workers here. I have been moved again at how much sacrifice the missionaries make to be here. Keep praying.


Please Pray for Me: Having Reaction to Malaria Medication


Pastoring Pastors